
This is a large scale exchange with many different components, many shared on the site. See also Clavier.


Partner / department Course Language of instruction Number of students
Coventry, UK
School of Modern Languages and Cultures
All French modules from Language centre including French 5, LL209. English and French 300
Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont Ferrand, France
Service Commun des Langues Vivantes. Centre des Langues et du Multimédia.
STAPS and others English 300

Start and end date

October 2011, ongoing


20 weeks



Integration and assessment

Some tasks are undertaken as part of formal class work, others are informal. We use open badges to recognise achievements and students can show these as part of their e-portfolio assessment (20% of Warwick’s level 5 assessment).

Technology tools used

Has varied over time.

– Learning environment

Moodle based VLE

– Collaboration tools

Bb Collaborate Ultra, Google + community, Google Hangouts (Gsuite), extensive use of social media and shared Google docs.

– Reflection tool

Mahara for e-portfolio reflection and display of open badges.