Module 2: If you’re working with a partner…

Co-Laboratory Training category» Module» If you’re working with a partner… … please think of the VE scenario that you are developing and consider the following: How do you envisage communication in your exchange? How do you want students to...

Module 2: Activity 2.1 Learning objectives in your VE

Co-Laboratory Training category» Module» Activity 2.1 Learning objectives in your VE Please use this forum1 to address the following: identify at least 3  skills, competences or content knowledge do you want your students/participants to develop through the...

Module 2: Learning objectives come first!

Co-Laboratory Training category» Module» Learning objectives come first! The first step in designing a virtual exchange is to decide on the learning objectives for your participants (SLO – student learning objectives) or, in other words, on what you want them to...

Module 2: Task Design and Technology

Co-Laboratory Training category» Module» Module 2: Task Design and Technology In this week you will learn how to match technology with pedagogy in a VE project. We’ll start with establishing learning objectives for an exchange you have in mind. You will also...