by rosendaal | 11 May 2020 | Module
Co-Laboratory Training category» Module» We shape our tools and our tools shape us – an inspiring talk by Wilson Miner “We shape our tools and our tools shape us.” As more of the tools we live with every day become digital instead of physical, our...
by rosendaal | 11 May 2020 | Module
Co-Laboratory Training category» Module» If you’re working with a partner… … please think of the VE scenario that you are developing and consider the following: How do you envisage communication in your exchange? How do you want students to...
by rosendaal | 11 May 2020 | Module
Co-Laboratory Training category» Module» Activity 2.2 A toolbox for Virtual Exchange teachers – please contribute Educators usually perceive digital tools as a challenging territory. The golden rule for applying them successfully is following the 2:1 rule:...
by rosendaal | 11 May 2020 | Module
Co-Laboratory Training category» Module» Activity 2.1 Learning objectives in your VE Please use this forum1 to address the following: identify at least 3 skills, competences or content knowledge do you want your students/participants to develop through the...
by rosendaal | 11 May 2020 | Module
Co-Laboratory Training category» Module» Learning objectives come first! The first step in designing a virtual exchange is to decide on the learning objectives for your participants (SLO – student learning objectives) or, in other words, on what you want them to...
by rosendaal | 11 May 2020 | Module
Co-Laboratory Training category» Module» Module 2: Task Design and Technology In this week you will learn how to match technology with pedagogy in a VE project. We’ll start with establishing learning objectives for an exchange you have in mind. You will also...